Thursday, April 19, 2012

I always have been intrigued by fascinating world of electronics. I remember trying to make some electronic circuit boards by reading hobby electronics books and never succeeded. The people who know me often get amazed at my technical skills. Recently I came across ARDUINO, an open source development and prototyping board. I have been using open source software for sometime and found it quite amazing. So, I decided to give it a go to ARDUINO in a hope to fulfill my fascination for electronics.

I ordered ARDUINO UNO R3 from along with some other interesting things like EL wire, Littlebits modules and Fabrikit.

I am getting used to with Arduino and to my surprise it is amazing. The most important thing is excellent documentation, tutorial and support which is essence of open source movement.

 After downloading the Drivers and Arduino software, I tried the first sketch i.e. Blink sketch. This is a basic sketch which causes an LED to blink.

Arduino Board is programmed by C++ and I feel this is not so much difficult. Since I know Basic Computer Language so I found Arduino Sketches familiar and understandable.

I am looking forward to do more with this prototyping board. I have selected a project to see if I will be able to do something with this board.

I love photography and recently some very interesting videos made using TIIMELAPSE photography. For timelapse photography "INTERVALOMETER" is needed to shoot photographs a fixed intervals. My project is to make an intervalometer using arduino.

I have found initial instructions and tutorials and will update the progress of my project.

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